Tuesday, 6 November 2018




The report consists of the main activities that I was involved in at Forum for Women in Democracy under the Women and Leadership Program (WLP, lessons learnt from the various activities, challenges faced in pursuing someactivities, conclusions and recommendations.
Some of the activities I was involved in included,
·         Attended meetings and conferences on behalf of the organization (FOWODE).
·         Co-ordinated meetings and conferences that were organized by the organization.
·         Mobilized people and organizations to attend conferences and meetings organized by FOWODE.
·         Assisted in the M&E work.
·         Attended Program meetings at FOWODE.
·         Took down minutes during meetings and conferences that I attended.
I was able to gain experience in communication skills,work professional skills, gender and women‘s rights knowledge, got experience on data entry of documents.
The lessons were; that sometimes things do not always go as expected especially in organizational setting .As a human rights activist, I have to move down to the grass root level to create awareness and sensitize people over there on their rights and do a lot of reading as to make informed decisions. I also learnt to exercise a lot of patience while at work.
The main challenges that I faced during this training include; use of the Civil Society language (short forms) ,some of the field officers(FOs) were not responding positively in regards to the  tracking networking forms, lack of an intercom phone in our (interns) office.
This field attachment portrayed to me  FOWODE’S main interests  some of which are ;to advocate for gender equality in government laws ,policies and programs, to provide forum for women and other marginalized groups to influence public policy through  dialogue and negotiation, to cooperate with other women’s organizations in working towards the goal of gender equality.
In conclusion the field attachment also revealed to me that women and children are still the unprivileged group of people in Uganda and Africa at large there is need to address all these inequalities through promotion and protection of Human Rights.
This field attachment revealed to me that FOWODE is a suitable place for gathering information and facts that will help me carryout my research .Recommendations are; need to educate the women at the grass root levels to ensure equal footing for all women, also train the leaders at all levels in order to create awareness in terms of leadership and human rights issues.



A field internship report is a comprehensive document about the student’s experience while in the field. Every student who goes on field attachment is therefore supposed to present this document to both to the University and organization /company of attachment at the end of his /her field attachment.
Field attachment is done as part and parcel of the student’s education career and it is expected that by the end of this attachment, a student will have;
·         Acquired new knowledge and practical experience.
·         Improved his/her confidence in problem solving.
·         Gained exposure to the demands and challenges of the work place.
·         Improved appreciation of their profession of study and therefore, better work ethics.
To the organization of attachment, it is expected that this attachment will enable it;
·         Get exposed to the pool of potential future employees from which to select, hence reducing on the cost of induction /orientation of new employees.
·         Get opportunity to get involved in training and review of programs at the University where the student is coming from.
To the university, it is expected that field attachment will enable the university;
·         Get opportunities to access training facilities and resources that are not available at the university.
·         Enhance its potential for research and develop cooperation with partners in various fields.
This report is therefore about the activities that I was engaged  in as part of my internship training in as the Women and Leadership Program(WLP) at FOWODE from 10th June to 31st July 2014.The report also covers a number of objectives of WLP at FOWODE ,challenges encountered ,the lessons learnt and benefits while carrying out my training with the organization .It represents the background of FOWODE ,the nature of business it conducts ,itsoperations,mission,vision,gaol and objectives, plus the organizational culture of FOWODE and its values.

1.2Background of the Field Attachment

Field attachment is defined as the field based practical work carried out by students from university and other higher institutions of the learning for the purpose of helping the student get exposure to work based practices outside for the university, it’sresponsible for the security of its students.
The purpose of the field attachment is to give students an opportunity to be involved in practical work and enable them to apply and put into practice the principles and theories learnt in class into real life of study and to get prepared for the outside world .It is for this reason that I had to go for this field practice in order to get exposed to the work setting environment.

FOWODE has two core programs areas which have shaped her brand over years and one sub program

Women and leadership Program (WLP) 
Goal: Women participating effectively in governance
The program focuses on:
·         Building a critical mass of young leaders for transformative leadership.
·         Enhancing capacities of women for effective campaign management, legislative engagement and gender responsive policy influence.
·         Increasing civic competence on constitutionalism, women’s rights, obligations, and entitlements.
·         Building bipartisan coalition to effectively champion gender equality and women’s rights.
·         Creating a women’s space of incubation, learning, innovation and engagement.
·         Advocacy for gender agenda in legislative and political processes and engendered political systems and structures.
Gender and Economic Policy Program (GEPP)
Goal: Women and men benefit from government economic policies and programs equitably.
The program focuses on:
·         Advocacy for engendered fiscal policies and budgeting processes.
·         Enhancing capacities of legislators, government technocrats and CSOs for gender responsive macroeconomic policies.
·         Building a critical mass of empowered women and men for improved budget transparency and service delivery.
·         Establishment of knowledge center on gender and macroeconomics.
·         Building synergies for collection voice on gender equity and women’s empowerment.
Management and Administration Program (MAP)(Sub-Program)
Goal: An efficient, effective and sustainable organization.
The program focuses:
·         Maintain robust monitoring and evaluation and financial systems.
·         Strengthen institutional technical capacity.
·         Enhance knowledge and information management.
·         Diversify the financial resource base.
·         Attract and maintain high caliber professional staff.

I was involved in the WLP ,it is for this reason that I had to go for this kind of field work in order to enable me understand the main challenges faced by women in regards to human rights ,empowerment, emancipation and  understand my role as a human rights activist in helping the women.

1.3Objectives of the field attachment

v  Develop the student’s understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities.
v  As a student it provides me an opportunity to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learnt into real-life problem solving situations.
v   It provides me an opportunity to interact with the stake holders and potential employers.
v  As a student it improves my confidence in problem solving and to appreciate field situations.

1.4Background of the organization of field attachment

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)  is a women’s rights national non-partisan organization established in 1995 .FOWODE grew out of women’s caucus of the 1994-1995 Constituent Assembly (CA) which debated and passed the 1995 constitution .FOWODE was established to offer a platform for Ugandan women’s learning ,networking ,sharing ,experiences and advocating for gender equity and equality in decision making processes.
FOWODE has continued to be a pacesetter in promoting gender equality and women’s leadership in the country .Whereas it primarily focuses on women’s issues, FOWODE also seeks gender and thus involves men in all aspects of its work .FOWODE has strategically positioned itself as a champion for women’s rights protection, participation in political decision making and engaging in issues of macroeconomic governance such as Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB).

1.4.0The nature of advocacy work

   FOWODE works around, capacity building, community empowerment, Policy engagement, strategic partnerships and alliances and institutional development for women and girls.

1.4.1Vision of the Organization

FOWODE’s vision a just and fair society where women and men equally participate in and benefit from decision making processes.
To promote gender equality in all areas of decision making through Capacity Development, Community Empowerment, Policy Engagement and Strategic Partnerships.

1.4.3Values of the Organizations

Respect of women’s rights as human rights, Respect of diversity, Gender equality and equity, Accountability and transparency, Integrity, Excellence.

1.4.4Goals and Objectives

·         To promote and educate women on their constitutional rights especially on human rights.
·         To engage in the identification of women leaders at the National, District and equip women for political participation at all levels.
·         To train and equip women for political participation at all levels.
·         Furthermore, to train women in political strategies, lobbying and generally in political participation.
·         To act as a research, information and training center to enable women and other marginalized groups to become effective decision makers.
·         To establish a center which will bring women more fully into the political process at all levels to create an effective network by elucidating on the benefits of their involvement
·         To build coalitions with other marginalized groups like the youth and the disabled and with gender sensitive men.
·         To establish to support a database, collect desegregated data and relevant statistics to support the process of bringing women into decision making positions.

1.5Organizational Culture

FOWODE culture is shared by members of the organization and it’s based on the mission, statement, long term, vision and the organizational goals.

1.6Gender in the Organization

Talking about gender in the organization, there are more women than men in the top most administrative positions. We have the Executive Director (E.D) who is a female, the Manager who is in charge of Women and leadership Program (WLP) and she is a female, the Senior Program Director (SPD), a male. However, there is still some gender discrimination in the organization; of which in the women ‘s movement, we need to include men for better empowerment. Under the WLP in particular there are only females; this is because this program deals with women issues alone. There is afemale in the GEPP, threefemales in the accounts and finance section, a male in the IT section, four support staff members one female, three males.

1.7The structure of the Organization

Every three years the General Assembly elects the five members Board of Directors which plays an oversight role and provides strategic direction to FOWODE.



2.Deputy Chairperson
4.2 other members
5. Board Chair (ex officio)



             FINANCE SECRETARY                       CHAIR                               VICE CHAIR                        2 MEMBERS

As per the 2009 constitution of FOWODE, the main activities include;
·         To mobilize resources for candidates by creation of financialand technical are venues; to prepare women to become effective and successful candidates and equip women candidates with techniques and skills to mobilize resources.
·         To devise strategies for overcoming impediments and barriers that face women politically, to advise them politically and equip them so as to have influence in decision making.
·         To develop a support mechanism for women who aspire for elective office or elected official levels.
·         To ensure that leaders in Uganda or elsewhere work together with the women to identify the speediest most effective tangible means of integrating the women cause in al spheres and also sensitize leaders towards gender issues.





2.0 Introduction
This chapter covers the position I held as an intern in the organization, duties and responsibilities, supervision levels and relationship with the supervisor, the work team and its composition as well as authority levels to the student and interests, challenges and what can be changed.

2.1 Title /position in the Organization

I was an assistant in the Monitoring and Evaluation section.
I had the responsibility of tracking and collecting networking forms from staff members of FOWODE.I was incharge of capturing data about various meetings that had been attended by the FOWODE staff both at the main office and region offices in the external spaces or meetings that had been organized by their partners and other CSOs.
I assisted the program officers in organizing program activities. Here it was my duty to ensure that the necessary materials were gathered , looking out for venues and hotels where these meetings, conferences and trainings would take place by requesting for quotations from the hotels, carry out mobilization through contacting the invited participants, sending out emails and calling.
 I attended meetings on behalf of the organization. When an invitation was sent out to FOWODE through my supervisor I would attend meetings, took down minutes which would be used in the reports.
I participated in field and national activities. As part of FOWODE work I was supposed to attend all activities that were organized by FOWODE.
I prepared project /activity narrative report with support from program officers. For instance if there were specific stories of change got from the participants inform of writing it was therefore my duty to ensure that this was included in the report.

2.3 Supervision Levels and Relationship with the Supervisors

 I was under the supervision of the field supervisor and the university supervisor, my relationship with both supervisors was very good and constructive.

2.4 Work Team and its Composition

The work team at my field attachment place was composed of students from universities within Uganda and outside Uganda. Like Makerere University Business School (MUBs), a student from Canada in one of the university there. My working relationship with team members and other staff was very good and normal for the most of the time we worked as a team; for example if some group was working on requisitions for finances to cater for any activity then others work on mobilizing people and collecting the necessary materials for the activity.

2.5 Working relationship among team members and other staff

The working relationship was coherent in nature. The team members shared common aims and beliefs that is respect of women’s rights as human rights among others, respect of diversity, gender equality and equity, accountability and transparency, integrity and excellence. The working experience was generally professional and parental in nature as the staff members took it upon themselves to be supportive in any way possible.

2.6 Authority Levels to the Student

As an intern student my authority levels were seriously limited. For example I had the powers to call various hotels and ask them for quotations but had powers to confirm with any of them. (Hotels), as I had to wait for a feedback from the program officers after consultation.

2.7 Interests, Challenges and what can be changed

2.7.1 Interests

I was so much interested in attending conferences that were focusing on gender and feminism, mentoring, alternative youth camps.

2.7.2 Challenges faced

Generally there were no many challenges I faced however, the main problems were;
1.      Use of the Civil Society language basically the short forms which made it hard for me to connect to the reports that would sometimes be presented in meetings and conferences and included the following;VBCS,GBV,UFF,GEPP,WLP,M&E,FOs ,CR,CSOs,FY among others this also inconvenienced me while taking down notes and minutes.
2.      Secondly lack of an intercom phone in my office. This somehow slowed down my work as I had to move from one office to another thus spending a lot of time, at times I incurred expenses using my personal phone.
3.      Finally, the issue of some field officers not responding to me when I needed information from them yet I thought it was their responsibility to help me during my practicum/training.

2.7.3What can be changed

1. Try orienting the new interns on some of the basic civil society language thus this will ease their                                work throughout their training. I suggest that maybe provide the interns with special time to highlight some of the common short forms used in organizations, such that this makes it easy in terms of the reading reports and other documents.
2. Am proposing for provision of an intercom phone for the office of interns. The administrators should consider providing a land line phone in the office of the interns.
3. The in charge should brief field officers about the interns’ presence such that this makes it easier     for the work we do with them. Officers in the region offices of FOWODE should be informed about the interns at main office in Kampala in order to speed up the work of interns and for the organization as well.



This chapter covers the level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned, knowledge and skills gained, most interesting experiences, relatedness of the university’s taught program to the field attached, challenges faced and how they were managed, benefits derived from the field attachment and adequacy in the university‘s preparing the student for field attachment finally preparedness of the agency to receive and manage students for field attachment.

3.1 Level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned.

The responsibilities and duties were general and required to do any work that was assigned to me as long as it was in my jurisdiction for example;
 I assisted the program officers in organizing program activities. I had to ensure that all the materials were in place prior to the activity for instance publications of the organizations, bannersetc.
I attended meetings on behalf of the organization. Under the WLP I was to attend meetings that were organized by different organizations together with one from the staff members from the WLP of FOWODE thus sharing knowledge and opinions with other organization.
I participated in the field and national activities as requested by my supervisor. I took part in different activities some of which were national that had been organized by different organizations thus this led to increased visibility for FOWODE.
 I prepared project/activity narrative reports with support from program officers. I combined information with other intern students in the same program and later handed it over to the supervisor to come up with final reports.

3.2New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities.

ü  I learnt that as a human rights activist it is very important to move to the field to exactly know what the state is not doing in terms of its obligation and human rights.
ü  I learnt that it is vital that professionals should be able to demonstrate that they are adaptable, able to manage difficult situations and capable of effective conflict resolution. This is in reference to the “black Monday movement” It was a mandate for all staff member wear black on Monday.
ü  I learnt the ability to interact with levels of staff utilizing excellent interpersonal skills.
ü  I gained more knowledge on issues of gender and women in terms of political power.
ü  As an activist, this platform provides me with an opportunity to make a difference, support others in need and create positive change in communities the world over.

ü  Skills gained;
1. Listening skills,
Due to being assigned duties like capturing information from staff members, taking down notes /minutes in meetings one has to be a good listener to be in position to put down all the information .In the best way for example in the Gender Review meeting, a public dialogue that was organized by UWONET and partners “Women towards 2016: overcoming gender barriers.” Etc.
2. Communication Skills,
I learnt how to create a good atmosphere and pass over information and communication rightly with fellow workers. As I co-ordinated the orientation meeting of the leadership program, the district Gender Policy Review meeting.
3. Sensitization skills.
I talked to a number of people about women’s rights, empowerment, and black Monday movement while at the CSO fair which was held at Hotel Africana as they visited the FOWODE stall .I got to interact with very many people who shared different opinions and I was able to impart some of what I knew and also to learn from them.

3.3 Most interesting experiences

I had various interesting experiences, most which were so exciting and overwhelming to me in terms of engagement, issues that were being discussed in regard to women’s rights and decision making.
v  The first one was the Women in Politics National Conference. I got to meet most of the influential people in the political field, private sector, activistists and had their view on issues of women in terms of power and decision making .This event attracted a big audience from Uganda and other parts of the world at large, it also created an opportunity for me in terms of networking among people.

v  The second occasion was theCSO fair held at Hotel Africana. Where different Civil Society Organizations were exhibiting their materials and provided information about their organizations at the peoples space had lots of entertainment from cultural groups and other groups .Furthermore there were dialogues held in different halls of Africana I attended onesession which focused on Gender Equality this was very interactive to me as well

v  The last event was the slum tour to kikubamutwe in Kabalagala.Where FOWODE and its partners visited the slum and donated scholastic materials to one school for orphans and vulnerable children. At the end of the visit we had a great performance from the children of the slum. This made me happy knowing that even such children could have good moments to share with other people.


3.4 Relatedness to the university ‘s taught program s to the field work

The University taught programs are related to the field work in a way that most of the course units at the university are in line with the field work for example gender, ethics and human rights. This was so much related to the work I was doing at FOWODE because issues of feminism and womens’movement were raised at different times.

3.5 Challenges Faced and how they were managed

3.5.1 At the organizational level

·         Inadequate space for offices of the intern students where some are forced to share an office.
·         There is need to ensure that required books in the library are in place because there books that were not found when i asked to look for them from the library.

3.5.2 By the workers

·         Collection of details for the meetings that had been attended by staff members was a bit complex that challenged me that is to say there was a problem of acquiring information from staff members at times they forgot to fill in the forms on time.

3.6 Benefits derived from field attachment

·         It builds one’s confidence.
·         It provides a deeper understanding of the course.
·         It exposes students to real life situation.
·         It also boosts the student’s morals towards the course.

3.7 Adequacy of the university in preparing the students for field attachment

The university is fairly adequate in preparing the student for internship for it provides the student with letters requesting for internship placement in various agencies and it also goes to brief students on internship exercise, it provides students with log books to record their weekly tasks to be signed by field supervisor which made work easier for students since it involved gathering information weekly, which information was to be used in report writing.

3.8 FOWODE ‘S Preparedness to Receive Students on Field Attachment

FOWODE gets prepared to receive and manage students for field attachment by receiving the students application for internship prior, screens them and after that providing the qualified students with acceptance letters indicating when the agency also distributes the students to various departments accordingly .Finally it provides the student with an orientation program about what they are going to do and what the agency is all about. It went ahead to offer free lunch which enabled me to work without having to worry about going out to look for lunch.


1. Conclusion.

Conclusively the hands on experience and challenges I encountered were of great importance to me and the aims of the attachment university were met to the best of my knowledge.

2. Recommendation for the identified problem.

According to the experience and observations made I would like to make the following recommendations to both the agency (FOWODE) and the institution (Makerere University) as well.

4.2.1 To the University.

·         The University should start a policy of providing internship places since students get difficulties in securing agencies to carryout field work.

4.2.2 To the Agency

·         I recommend that FOWODE avoids gender discrimination to men by starting to promote its staff basing on gender equality and meritocracy.
·         FOWODE is a great learning organization for interns, I would therefore recommend that FOWODE keeps hiring student interns with different education background to help build and bring in new ideas to the organization.
·         Entrust a position to be held by intern where he/she is fully responsible for all under that department which will enable the intern have a job specification but also allow movement in different departments where they can attain experience in different fields.

4.2.3 To the Students

·         Once in the field, students should create ways of having a sense of belonging to the organization they are working with and not behave like they are visitors to these organizations. They should study the operations of the organization and contribute to ways of ensuring organizational development.


Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) 2013 Annual Report

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) Quarterly Progress Report

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) Constitution (as amended 9th September 2009)

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