Thursday, 7 September 2017

The Republic Of Rwanda Increased The Cost Of A Gorilla Permit Price to USD 1500

The Republic of Rwanda of recent has announced an increase in the price of Mountain Gorilla permits. The permits have been raised from US 750 to US 1,500. This price has been put for all visitors planning to visit the country for Gorilla trekking or tracking. This however does not mean that tourists or visitors who had purchased the gorilla permits will not use them. They will come and view the gorillas. On the other hand however, the gorilla trekking permit remains at USD 600 in Uganda and is still being issued by Uganda Wildlife Authority. Following the announcement by Rwanda Development Board, the increase in the price of these permits is not an attempt to limit tourists but to rather to encourage more tourists to visit the country.
In the same context, the board has also introduced a very awesome package for tourists who wish to book as an entire family. This has been introduced at USD 15,000. After you have paid this fee, you will have to receive an exclusive personalized tour guide. It is quite an interesting and awesome offer which you cannot afford to miss as a family.
Following the words of the Clare Akamanzi, who is the Chief Executive Officer at Rwanda Development Board, he pointed out that Gorilla trekking is considered as a highly unique and interesting experience in the country. He adds that the raising in price has been attributed to the experience attained after you have trekked the gorillas. Accordingly, the price was raised so that sustainability in conservation is enhanced through initiatives and visitor's experience, said Clare Akamanzi.
Clare Akamanzi also added that, there is need to make sure that the communities who are living near the park do receive a bigger share from the tourism revenues originating from gorilla trekking. These funds can be used to fund most of the development projects within the country and also empower these communities economically.
An interesting note which was pointed however was that for tourists who are visiting Nyungwe National park and Akagera National park for a minimum of three days, which is an addition to gorilla trekking will have to receive a discount of 30 percent. In line with this, tourists who come for conferences and stay for post conference dates with the aim of seeing the mountain gorillas will be eligible to be given 15 percent discount on the gorilla trekking permits.
The main goal of increasing the prices of gorilla permits is to strengthen the conservation efforts and contribute more to the development of communities who do live near the Volcanoes National Park and Rwanda Development Bank. This was said in the communication by Clare Akamanzi.
Accordingly, the Rwanda Development Board, it was announced that the tourism revenues sharing rate for communities which are adjacent to the park will have to increase from 5 percent to 10 percent. This will have to increase absolutely the revenues which are received by the surrounding communities. The board noted that for the last 12 years, there have been more than 400 community projects that have been completed. These included hospitals, schools, business development centers and water supply systems. The water supply system have been put in place to facilitate access to clean water within the country.
In his conclusive remarks, Clare Akamanzi said; mountain gorillas are an endangered species with only around 880 remaining in the whole world. He said out of this number, approximately 400 live in the Virunga Massif which is across the Republic of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic republic of Congo. The remaining number live in Uganda in the National parks of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mghahinga Gorilla National Park.

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