Thursday, 7 September 2017

Why You Should Not Miss Exploring Kidepo National Park On Your Uganda Safari

Uganda has got several national parks and these have been categorized as Savannah national parks and tropical rain national parks.  Kidepo has been included in the savannah parks and game drives are possible within the park. Other Savannah parks in the country are Murchison falls national park, queen Elizabeth National park and Lake Mburo National park. The tropical rain forest which is outstanding is Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. One most outstanding thing as to why you cannot afford to miss visiting this park is that, in the whole country, it is the only country where you will find the ostrich bird. In fact this is the major reason as to why you should not miss to explore this park.
This natural national park (Kidepo) lies in the rugged, semi-arid valleys. These are the valleys found between Uganda’s boarder and that of south Sudan and Kenya. It was gazatted as a national park in Uganda in 1962. When you are travelling from Kampala, it will take you 700 kilometer to rich this natural park. Some important things as you must not miss to visit this national park is the rich biodiversity it has. It has got 77 mammals as well as 475 species of birds. These will be views as well as you are in this park of course during the game drive within the park. In comparison to other parks, this park is so isolated from other parks which are found in Uganda. To a few tourists who had made the journey to this park, they have established that the park is a bit far though the most magnificent park in the country. On the continent of Africa, it has been ranked among the finest Africa’s wilderness. When you are in Kidepo valley national park, the surrounding area is Savannah landscape. This part of savannah extends far beyond the gazatted area towards the horizons outlined by the distant mountain ranges.  When it is dry season, the only source of water which is permanent is found in the wetlands and remnant pools in the board Narus Valley near Apoka.Kidepo valley national park has been dominated by the Dodoth pastoralists and the IK farmers. These people lived before it was gazatted as a game reserve.

You should note before visiting this park that the most outstanding reason as to why this park was gazzated was both to protect the animals from being hunted down by the poachers for game meat and also to prevent further clearing of the bush for tsetse fly control. By the year 1962, the park was converted into Kidepo national park with the first chief warden being Ian Ross. This gentle man was a Briton and was later replaced by Paul Ssali in 1972.
The other most interesting thing about this park is that, the parks altitude ranges between 914m and 2750m above sea level. Within this very national park, there are two rivers and these are Kidepo and Narus. What you also need to know about this is that the communities surrounding this park include; pastoral Karamojong people, Masai of Kenya, and the IK. All these people use this park as a source of livelihood.
In conclusion therefore, the most important thing as to why you must not miss visiting Kidepo Valley is the unique wildlife including the ostrich bird, lions, elephants, buffalos, monkeys, birds, kobs, and many more. Of course, this will be enjoyed on both morning and night game drives with in the park. In addition to this, cultural performances is a must. You will enjoy a number of interesting cultural and village performances.

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